(Department seminar no. 35)

Time: Mar. 31st, 2016, 11:15
Place: room 208 C-3


Speaker: Adam Łukomski, MSc. (Department of Control and Measurements, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin)

Subject: Implementation of a control system for a simple walking robot.

(Department seminar no. 34)

Time: Mar. 10th, 2016, 11:15
Place: room 208 C-3


Speaker: Prof. I. Dulęba

Subject: A proof and consequences of a well-known kinematic fact

In this talk we will prove that, in some coordinate frames, Jacobian matrices of robot manipulators do not depend on the first variable of a configuration vector. Using this fact it will be shown how to simplify computations of singular configurations as well as some terms of equations of dynamics of a~manipulator. The simplifications impact a~computational complexity of deriving the aforementioned data and are particularly useful for lecturers of robotics for on-line calculations.

(Department seminar no. 33)

Time: Mar. 3rd, 2016, 11:15
Place: room 208 C-3


Speaker: M. Skurczyński

Subject: Defining of robot kinematics in TopSolid 7 by TopSolution


(Department seminar no. 32)

Time: Feb. 25th, 2016, 11:15
Place: room 208 C-3

Speaker: Dr M. Janiak

Subject: Multiple shooting method

We will present an application of the multiple shooting method in the motion planning of robotics systems represented by a nonlinear control system with output. This representation covers a wide range of systems, from simple nonholonomic systems modeled on kinematics level to complex systems with dynamics. Compared to traditional Newton-type algorithms, typically the multiple shooting method has larger region of convergence, faster local convergence rate and more freedom for initialization. It has also a ability for remarkable parallelization of the most computational demanding algorithm parts. Performance of the algorithm will be illustrated by solving a motion planning problem through waypoints for the skid-steering mobile platform Rex, and by solving a standard motion planning problem for the rolling ball.

(No. 21 by departmental calendar)
Time and place: May 28, 2015, 11:15 a.m., room 208 C3
Speaker: dr. Bogdan Kreczmer
Topic: Wyznaczanie kierunku przelotu sygnału ultradźwiękowego

(No. 20 by departmental calendar)

Time and place:  May 14, 2015, 11:15 a.m., room 208 C3
Speaker: Mgr inż. Mirela Kaczmarek, Prof. Alicja Mazur
Topic: Sterowanie pozycyjno-siłowe nieholonomicznego manipulatora.

(No. 19 by departmental calendar)

Time and place:  April 19, 2015, 11:15 a.m., room 208 C3
Speaker: Mgr inż. Łukasz Juszkiewicz
Topic: Praktyczna koncepcja uczącego się systemu rozpoznawania emocji wypowiedzi dla robota społecznego.

 (No. 18 by departmental calendar)

Time and place:  April 23, 2015, 11:15 a.m., room 208 C3
Speaker: Dr hab. Elżbieta Roszkowska
Topic: Wprowadzenie do informatyki kwantowej

(No. 15 by departmental calendar)
Time and place: February 26, 2015, 11:15 a.m., room 208 C3
Speaker: All
Topic: Sprawy organizacyjne