A final review of the ReMeDi project took place at the Medical University of Lublin on April 7th, 2017.

During September 1-15th the representatives of our department: Drs Elżbieta Roszkowska, Alicja Mazur, Krzysztof Arent, and Witold Paluszyński have been visiting the Xidian University in the city of Xi'an in China.

On December 2nd 2016 at the Auditorium of University there was the ceremony of awarding diplomas to the Master level graduates.

On September 21-25th ReMeDi team met in Wrocław for an integration meeting.

On April 4-7th Prof. Pedro Albertos from Universidad Politécnica de Valencia will give a series of public lectures as Visiting Professor.
Read more to find program of the visit and presentations.


Work on the second version of the social robot FLASH has been finished

New FLASH Mk II has been installed in the Robotics Lab at Heriot Watt University in Edinburgh.
