mgr inż. Filip Dyba
Classes in winter semester
Specialization project ARR
Modeling and identification
Supplementary materials
It is recommended to use a version control system. It will
make your work considerably easier.
Consultations take place in the office (room 211/C3) and remotely
using the platform Zoom or email (in case of current needs). It is
recommended to declare the willingness to consult via email,
although it is not obligatory.
Office hours, winter semester 2024/2025:
- Monday, 9am - 11am.
- Wednesday, 3pm - 5pm.
Additional hours might be set individually.
Journal and conference papers
- Filip Dyba, Marco Frego (2024). Following Zero-curvature Paths
Using the Non-orthogonal Bishop
Parametrization Proc. Automatica.it 2024, Bolzano-Bozen,
201-202. Link Supplementary materials
- Filip Dyba, Marco Frego (2024). Non-Orthogonal Serret–Frenet
Parametrization Applied to Path Following of B-Spline Curves by a
Mobile Manipulator. Robotics, 13(9), 139. Link
- Filip Dyba (2024). Parallel Position and Orientation Control for a Redundant Manipulator Performing the Path Following Task. 2024 13th International Workshop on Robot Motion and Control (RoMoCo), Poznań, Polska, 199-204. Link Supplementary materials
- Filip Dyba, Alicja Mazur (2024). Comparison of Curvilinear
Parametrization Methods and Avoidance of Orthogonal
Singularities in the Path Following Task. Journal of
Automation, Mobile Robotics and Intelligent Systems, 17(3),
46-64. Link
- Tomasz Rybus, Mateusz Wojtunik, Filip Dyba, Kacper
Mikołajczyk, Karol Seweryn, Roman Wawrzaszek, Daria Pączkowska
(2023). Motion Controller For the TITAN Robotic Manipulator
Dedicated For On-Orbit Servicing Operations. Proc. 17th ESA
Symposium on Advanced Space Technologies in Robotics and
Automation (ASTRA’2023), Leiden, Holandia. Link
- Filip Dyba, Tomasz Rybus, Mateusz Wojtunik, Fatina L. Basmadji (2023). Active 6 DoF force/torque control based on Dynamic Jacobian for free-floating space manipulator. Artificial Satellites - Journal of Planetary Geodesy , 58(SI1-2023),
214-216. Link
Supplementary materials
- Filip Dyba (2023). Experimental validation of the
non-orthogonal Serret–Frenet parametrization applied to the path
following task. ICINCO 2023: Proceedings of the 20th International
Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and
Robotics, Vol. 1, Rzym, Włochy,
608-615. Link
Supplementary materials
- Alicja Mazur, Filip Dyba (2023). The non-orthogonal
Serret–Frenet parametrization applied to the path following
problem of a manipulator with partially known dynamics. Archives of Control Sciences, 33(2),
339-370. Link
- Filip Dyba, Alicja Mazur (2022). Porównanie metod
parametryzacji krzywoliniowych w zadaniu śledzenia ścieżki dla
manipulatora holonomicznego. W: Postępy robotyki,
ed. Alicja Mazur, Cezary Zieliński, T. 1, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej,