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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning - 2024

Embedded Robotics
Department of Cybernetics and Robotics
Faculty of Electronics, Fotonics, and Microsystems

The last grandson test and final grandson results are available.
A positive numerical value (3.0..5.0) in the last column "Grade" is the proposed final exam waiver grade.
Zero in the last column means final exam is obligatory.

Since no objections have been raised to the June 24th date for the final exam, this date is now officially set.
Please mark this date in your calendars as this will be the last chance to obtain a passing grade from the lecture class.
The exact time and place of the exam will be announced in the exam section.

I received an objection to the July 1st exam date.
My new proposal is Monday, June 24th.
Again, please consider this date and let me know by email if you have any conflicting academic obligations.

The proposed date for the final written examination as announced in class today is July 1st. I am waiting for any objections to this date.

Lecture topics and notes

The following table contains the titles of all the lectures, and links to the lecture notes in PDF format. Lecture notes are provided for the convenience of the students, so it is not necessary to take notes in class. Please note that they are no substitute for textbooks, and other study materials. Further links to other literature are provided in the Literature section.

These notes are under copyright. They can be used only for anybody's private purposes, and cannot be distributed or published, for example by copying and making available from other Web pages, or in any other way.

Searching in the state space
Searching in games
Searching in constraint satisfaction problems
3 Logic based methods PDF
4 Logic programming in Prolog PDF
5 Probabilistic representation: Bayesian networks PDF
6 Making simple decisions: utility functions PDF
7 Making complex decisions: Markov Decision Problems PDF
8 Reinforcement learning algorithms PDF
Machine learning: basic concepts and classification algorithms PDF
Unsupervised learning PDF
14 Computational theory of learning PDF


  1. S.J.Russell, P.Norvig, Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (Third Edition), Prentice-Hall, 2010, WWW
  2. T.Mitchell, Machine Learning, McGraw Hill, 1997, WWW
Internet resources:
  1. Artificial intelligence courses with similar programs:

  2. Polish language courses:

  3. Search methods:

  4. Textbooks and tutorials on Prolog:

  5. Systems for creating probabilistic belief networks:

  6. Internet repositories of statistical data:
    UCIKnowledgeDiscovery UCI Knowledge Discovery in Databases Archive
    UCIMLRepository UCI Machine Learning Repository
    CMUStatLibDatasets CMU StatLib Datasets Archive
    Kaggle Kaggle database

  7. Markov decision processes and reinforcement learning:

  8. Supervised and unsupervised machine learning:

  9. Neural networks and deep learning:

Final exam

Passing and obtaining credit in the lecture class requires successfully passing a written examination at the end of the semester. The date of this examination will be negotiated and announced later. At the end of the semester a list of topics for the exam will also be published, and example problems will be presented and discussed.

The written examination schedule:

June 24, 20241-3pmroom 105, building C-5

Please mark your calendars. This is the only final exam date in this semester, and the last chance to pass the lecture!

Final exam waiver

All lectures will include short (5-10 minutes) written tests. Obtaining at least 60% of the total score on these tests earns an exemption from the final exam with a grade of 4.0 and up. Results below 60% give nothing.

The final test score will be computed by dropping the single highest test score and the single lowest earned score. 0 points results for absence are never dropped.

The scores from the tests will be interpreted as follows:

points[%] 60.0073.3386.66
grade 4.0 4.5 5.0

The tests will be administered in two variants: either a theoretical true/false/do not know questions test, the so called “Hash Test”, or a computational test, the so-called “Grandson Test”. These tests have different mechanics described below.

The “Grandson Test” rules

The “Grandson” tests have a single question related to the current lecture's material. They are graded from 1 to 4 points, with 1 point given for a blank page turned in.
No-show yields 0 points. No re-taking and no excuses.

Read the details of the “Grandson Test” mechanics.

The “Hash Test” rules

The Hash Test is a timed test with sixteen yes/no/I don't know questions. It can be written using an Android smartphone, or simply on paper. In either case, you cannot use any source materials, notes, materials from the Internet, etc.
The test can only be taken in person, in the lecture hall, during the normal test time.

Read the details of the “Hash Test” mechanics.

Test results

The following form can be used to find your test results. The spelling of first and last names are exactly as entered in the USOS system. Non-Latin letters (with accents, etc.) need to be spelled exactly as in USOS. (However, for the project class results, use the spelling of your name from the eportal system.) Additionally, multiple last names must be joined here with underscores, like de_la_Vega.
IMPORTANT: temporarily, only the single first name should be used to retrieve test results. Use your first name spelling as entered in the USOS system. Do not use your middle name, even if it appears in USOS.
First name(s):
Last name: Compute modulo 16:
Student number:

The Project class

The project class will consist of a series of assignments. The necessary and sufficient condition to obtain a passing grade for the project class is to successfully and timely complete (obtain a positive point credit) all the project assignments, except at most one assignment. Missing one assignment results only in forfeiting credit for that assignment. Missing more than one assignment results in failing the project class.

The schedule of project assignments is given below. Each assignment will be explained and discussed in the project class at the time of its start.

The assignments must be worked out individually. It is not allowed to share solutions with colleagues, or submitting results which are not the author's own. It is allowed to use any published resources, as long as they are properly credited and referenced in the report.

Either a written PDF report, or the code worked out, or both, must be turned in through the Moodle system. The detailed submission requirements for each assignment are given in the Moodle system, along with the grading criteria. However, the details of the projects are only provided here.

Grading the project class

points(%) 50.0060.0070.0080.0090.00
grade 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0

The Project assignment schedule

1.Heuristic search - checkers clk Checkers program + Java March 6March 26April 2
2.Logical reasoning - wumpus clk
Jovolog simulator + Prolog March 20April 16
April 30
April 23
May 7
3.Bayesian networks modeling and decision making clk many available, see description April 3April 30
May 7
May 7
May 14
May 17
4.Markov decision problems and reinforcement learning clk
programming language to choose: Python3, Java, C/C++
Russel+Norvig 4x3 world data file
assignment 4x4 world data file
April 17May 14
May 21
May 21
May 28
May 31
June 9
5.Classifier machine learning clk Python3 scikit, many other libs
data: text database
May 15May 28
June 4
June 13
June 4
June 11
June 20
June 25
6.Unsupervised learning
clk Python scikit, many other libs
data: image database
June 3June 13June 20

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