Mobile robot simulation in ROS 2 (0-20 points) Grading: - ROS 2 node with Controller (6): + it has control functions implemented using more complex mathematics like trygonometry (sinus, cosinus etc.) or for a meaningful robot path (4) + its output uses geometry_msgs/Twist message (2) + it uses closed-loop controller with trajectory generator (up to 5 additional points) - node with Mobile Robot Simulator (9): + it correctly solves the system of equations for new robot states (4) + it publishes robot_pose with geometry_msgs/PoseStamped and tf as transformation between world and base_link frame (3) + it still works for no control value at the specific point of time (robot_pose, tf) (2) - visualization with RViz or Foxglove (3) - the whole project is a set of ROS 2 packages with one ROS 2 launcher (2, MANDATORY) Total - 20 points