Mobile Robots – lab2


The goal of this assignment is to observe properties of odometry in a robot localization task. Before the class, one should prepare: find in the documentation the dimensions of the robot (necessary for odometry) and the formulas needed to calculate odometry with the available data.

Task 1 – implementation

  1. Verify the dimensions of the robot with measurements, estimate the accuracy of the measurements and its influence on odometry.
  2. Implement odometric robot localization. The program should calculate the position and orientation of the robot (x, y, theta) based on the data from the encoders in two versions: using measured positions or speeds.

Task 2 – verification

In the verification part, use both the data collected from the robot during the experiments and the rosbags provided.

!!!Caution!!! Do not replay the provided rosbags in the laboratory with the original topic names. Use the mapping option as in: ros2 bag play odom_backward -m /pioneer5/odom:=/bagodom /pioneer5/joint_states:=/bagjoint_states

  1. Compare the pose calculated with your script from task 1 with the data received in the /pioneerX/odom topic.
  2. Assuming that the value read from the /pioneerX/odom topic is the exact location of the robot – estimate the odometry error


The report should be sent by email in pdf format and should contain
  1. Formulas for determining robot pose based on positions and velocities, together with the list of parameters necessary for calculations.
  2. Estimated theoretical measurement and odometry errors.
  3. Observations and comments from task 2.
  4. Summary of verification: experiments used for tests and the evaluation of odometry error.

Sample code

Time measurement

Standard approach, using system time – It is discouraged to use it in processing ROS messages import datetime c=b-a print(c,c.seconds,c.microseconds) print(c.total_seconds())

Reading CSV file

import csv with open('forward.csv') as csvfile: reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile, delimiter=';', quotechar='|') for row in reader: print row['pos_l'], row['pos_r']

Obtaining pose from odometry

import numpy as np from nav_msgs.msg import Odometry ... def yaw_from_quaternion(quaternion): """ Converts quaternion (w in last place) to yaw angle quaternion = [x, y, z, w] modified from """ x = quaternion.x y = quaternion.y z = quaternion.z w = quaternion.w siny_cosp = 2 * (w * z + x * y) cosy_cosp = 1 - 2 * (y * y + z * z) yaw = np.arctan2(siny_cosp, cosy_cosp) return yaw def callback_odom(msg): pos=msg.pose.pose.position print(f"({pos.x},{pos.y},{yaw_from_quaternion(msg.pose.pose.orientation)})") ... def main(args=None): ... node.create_subscription(Odometry, f"/pioneer{nr}/odom", callback_odom, 10)